Fear is natural. We all feel it, and it’s like a ‘bell’ that rings in our mind and warns us: ‘now you have to make a decision. It’s either stay or run.’ So, fear is an alert system that makes us create defense strategies when we feel threatened. But there are moments when this fear reaches levels where our only option is to feel anguish. And embracing this feeling is the first step to get through it.
Have you ever tried writing about what scares you the most?
Writing is a great practice for organizing thoughts and emotions, including fear. So, grab a piece of paper and a pen, or even your phone or computer, and write about your fears. This can be a helpful practice to relieve what you’re feeling and to organize that feeling within your mind, potentially serving as a valuable source of new insights and self-awareness.
You don’t have to share what you’ve written; keep it to yourself, and if it makes sense, turn it into a weekly habit.