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How to Speak in a Way That People Want to Listen

Have you ever felt like when you speak, no one listens? Several elements are part of good communication or presentation: the speaker’s posture, the chosen environment, the tone of voice, the content, and so on. When all these elements are well planned and executed, a memorable presentation occurs.

Communication is the most powerful tool we have in our work. In the context of hybrid or remote work, it’s more challenging. Are you able to communicate clearly and with empathy? Creating connections, openness, and trust? Or are you triggering anxiety in your colleagues when you send a message in the heat of the moment?

In the video below, from the YouTube channel ‘TED,’ which features the best TED Conferences held by the world’s greatest thinkers, we see Julian Treasure, a specialist in oratory and communication, talking about how to speak powerfully.

In communication, whether it’s in-person, synchronous, or asynchronous, it’s essential to develop awareness of our own emotions and the emotions we can evoke in others.

Building collaborative and productive work relationships can be challenging if we communicate, for example, like robots or neglect our digital body language.

In remote work environments, communication becomes an even more necessary skill!

Some consider fear as a natural bodily response, while others say it’s a limiting belief. The correct answer is definitely the first one.
There are moments when this fear reaches levels where our only option is to feel anguish. And embracing this feeling is the first step to get through it.
The fear of making mistakes and perfectionism go hand in hand and can be significant enemies of your mental health.
Our emotions are automatic reactions to the experiences we go through, and what defines what we feel in a given situation is our own life history.
Do you want a simple tool that makes you reflect on how you’ve been living your life? The Wheel of Life is a great option!
To better deal with issues that undermine your self-confidence, turning to other people can be a crucial first step.
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