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Where happiness hides and how to find it

Laughter, puppies, and landscapes. Why are certain things a universal source of joy? Our emotions are automatic reactions to the experiences we go through, and what defines what we feel in a given situation is our own life history and our genetic makeup, which is shaped by evolution.

Joy tends to foster greater openness in individuals to the experiences around them. Through facial and bodily expressions of joy, people tend to open up more effectively in interpersonal communication, nurturing closer connections with others.

In the video below, from the YouTube channel ‘TED,’ a channel that features the best TED Conferences by the world’s greatest thinkers, we see Ingrid Fetell Lee, a designer and author, talking to us about the origins of joy and how to create a more joyful environment around us.

An organized environment can also be a source of great joy.

Taxonomy is a branch of biology that deals with the natural classification of living beings – animals and plants. When applied to computer science, the same concept is used for techniques of classification, categorization, grouping, and hierarchization of information. In other words, defining the areas of information of your interest in the most comprehensive and hierarchical way possible.

Here, we are talking about ‘folders within folders,’ meaning a folder with a very general name, like ‘Movies,’ and within it, folders with more specific names. Regarding how to compose this taxonomy: the first approach is to hierarchize topics based on their roles. The other is an approach by general subjects, taking into account your affinity or interest in each of them.

Note: Use obvious names for your files to find them more easily in your searches.

Some consider fear as a natural bodily response, while others say it’s a limiting belief. The correct answer is definitely the first one.
There are moments when this fear reaches levels where our only option is to feel anguish. And embracing this feeling is the first step to get through it.
The fear of making mistakes and perfectionism go hand in hand and can be significant enemies of your mental health.
Our emotions are automatic reactions to the experiences we go through, and what defines what we feel in a given situation is our own life history.
Do you want a simple tool that makes you reflect on how you’ve been living your life? The Wheel of Life is a great option!
To better deal with issues that undermine your self-confidence, turning to other people can be a crucial first step.
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