Empathy is essential in the workplace, as being able to embrace and understand what others are going through is important to comprehend how they feel in various situations. Always remember that each person faces situations you can’t even imagine; everyone has their own problems. Therefore, having an empathetic stance and knowing how to listen is crucial for building genuine bonds and trust.
In the video below, from the YouTube channel ‘TED,’ a channel that features the best TED Conferences by the world’s greatest thinkers, we see Julian Treasure, a specialist in oratory and communication, talking to us about how to listen to what others have to say.
The tip is to pay attention to verbal and non-verbal cues that may contain valuable information about what the people around you are feeling.
Before judging or criticizing, try to understand the position that individual is in and why they act in a certain way. Also, don’t forget that through self-awareness, we can develop empathy for others.
Being able to identify and understand emotions within ourselves enables a better and easier understanding of others’ feelings.